Stressed Out, Worn Out Dads
Katelynn Caserma Katelynn Caserma

Stressed Out, Worn Out Dads

Welcome, dads! There is no doubt a lot of hustle and grind of being a busy dad. So, I want to talk about the common tendency to accept poor health as just a part of being a dad. It's not. We need to take care of ourselves so we can set a good example for our kids.

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Gross Motor Delays and Developmental Milestones
Katelynn Caserma Katelynn Caserma

Gross Motor Delays and Developmental Milestones

The key to understanding motor development lies in the nervous system. The muscles of your child's body in the developing muscular motor movement system are under complete and total control of the nervous system.

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How to Care for Constipation Naturally 
Katelynn Caserma Katelynn Caserma

How to Care for Constipation Naturally 

Constipation is a common issue affecting about 30% of children, and it tends to be worse in the preschool and toddler years. In our clinic, we don't just treat the symptoms and throw medications at a condition like a traditional pediatrician would. Instead, we get to the root cause and work closely with the nervous system.

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Dysautonomia and Chiropractic Care
Katelynn Caserma Katelynn Caserma

Dysautonomia and Chiropractic Care

Dysautonomia is a condition that affects the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for controlling and coordinating every function in our body. The autonomic nervous system is designed to operate on autopilot, but when it's in disarray, it can lead to a variety of issues.

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Chiropractic Care for Colic
Katelynn Caserma Katelynn Caserma

Chiropractic Care for Colic

I first want to address a common misconception about colic. It is not something that babies simply grow out of. If your parent gut is telling you that something is not right, you're absolutely correct. There is something going on within your baby's body that you CAN address.

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The vagus Nerve
Katelynn Caserma Katelynn Caserma

The vagus Nerve

The vagus nerve is a nerve that comes out from underneath the skull on both sides and goes throughout the entire body - through the heart, lungs, and digestive organs.

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Katelynn Caserma Katelynn Caserma


Subluxation is stress on the nervous system, which can lead to a range of issues, including gut problems, sensory issues, emotional and behavioral challenges, and immune system issues.

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Eat, Sleep, and Poop
Katelynn Caserma Katelynn Caserma

Eat, Sleep, and Poop

As a parent, I understand it can be overwhelming to know where to start when your child faces challenges, whether it's eating, sleeping, pooping, development, or immune challenges. It can be difficult to figure out where to turn for help.

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